Ekker Law, P.C. / Steven B. Ekker, Esq.

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3 Mistakes to Avoid After a Car Accident in Kane County

 Posted on April 30, 2022 in Personal Injury

Kane County personal injury lawyerNavigating life after a serious car accident can feel overwhelming. You might have a to-do list that seems endless. You might be trying to figure out how to get the time you need off from work to recover. There is a constant stream of follow-up medical appointments for you to keep track of. On top of that, the insurance company will not stop calling when all you want to do is rest and heal. The whole time, you are in pain and not up to doing the daily activities you are used to doing. Many car crash victims must rely on others to help around the house or with childcare duties.

During this chaotic and tiring time, it can be extremely easy to accidentally make a mistake that could impact your ability to make a full financial recovery from the driver who caused your accident. Enlisting an attorney to handle your claim can be very helpful for a number of reasons

What Common Mistakes Could Affect My Claim?

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How Does Alimony Work in Illinois?

 Posted on April 14, 2022 in Divorce

Kane County alimony lawyerDivorce can have a massive financial impact on spouses. Lesser-earning spouses may find themselves struggling to pay their bills without their spouse’s financial support. Higher-earning spouses may be required to pay child support or spousal support.

Whatever your situation, it is important to understand your financial rights and responsibilities in an Illinois divorce case. Alimony, called spousal support or spousal maintenance in Illinois, may be significant and it is important to be prepared.  

Who Can Get Spousal Support?

If you are getting divorced, you should know what to expect when it comes to spousal maintenance. In Illinois, spouses may be able to get spousal maintenance through a negotiated agreement between the spouses or a prenuptial agreement. Alternatively, the spouse seeking support may file a petition for spousal maintenance through the court.

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Things Not to Do in an Illinois Child Custody Case

 Posted on March 22, 2022 in Divorce

Kane County divorce attorneysSome of the most contentious issues in an Illinois divorce have to do with child custody, the allocation of parental responsibilities, and parental rights. It is understandable that emotions and anger levels may become high between the two parents, but it is important to let your divorce attorney handle these issues. Until a solid parenting plan is agreed upon, it is important to remember the following “do nots” in your case.

Do Not Put Your Child in the Middle

Although it is important for parents to have honest conversations with their child about the divorce and what changes this may mean for the family, this should never be done at the expense of the other parent. Focus on your child’s feelings, fears, and needs and not on what your opinions are of your soon-to-be ex.

Do Not Withhold Visitation or Child Support

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Preparing Financial Documents for a Divorce

 Posted on March 03, 2022 in Divorce

Kane County family law attorneyWhen you are considering a divorce, it can be a very emotional and stressful time. There are certain steps, however, that you need to take in order to ensure that you get the best possible outcome possible based on your situation. One of the most crucial elements of any divorce case is ensuring that all information regarding marital finances—both assets and debts—are shared with your divorce attorney. The following are some of the steps you should take as you prepare to file for divorce.

Preparing the Paperwork

Whether you are still contemplating divorce or have made the decision that you want out of your marriage, there are things you can do to help organize your finances before you actually file your divorce petition.

When you file for a divorce, in addition to the motion requesting the dissolution of your marriage, you will also be required to provide the court with a financial affidavit. A financial affidavit asks a series of questions which will help determine what your financial status is. You will need to answer questions such as all sources of income, including any tax, insurance, union dues, or other deductions. You will also be required to provide a list of all your expenses and other debt.   

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Types of Accidents Airline Passengers Can Experience

 Posted on February 22, 2022 in Personal Injury

Kane County airline injury attorneysWhile there are many people who are so afraid of flying that they often need medication to calm down enough to get on a plane, the truth is commercial airlines are one of the safest ways of traveling. However, although statistically the odds of dying in an airplane crash are so small they cannot even be calculated, there is a legitimate concern regarding the potential of serious personal injuries a person can suffer before, during, and after their flight.

Overhead Bins

According to several airline safety sources, more than 4,500 passengers are injured each year because of luggage and other items falling from overhead bins. Because most airlines now charge for any checked-in luggage, many passengers pack as much as they possibly can in their carry-on bags, so these items are usually fairly heavy. If one or more of these bags lands on top of a passenger opening a bin, they can suffer some serious injuries, such as concussions or even fractured bones.

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How to Establish Paternity in the State of Illinois

 Posted on February 07, 2022 in Divorce

Sugar Grove paternity lawyerIn today’s world, fewer people are getting married before deciding to have children together. It is not at all uncommon for children to have parents who never were married and are no longer together. Illinois law addresses the various issues that involve parents and their children, regardless of whether the parents were ever married or not. When an unmarried couple has a child together, they should immediately take steps to establish paternity for the child, which provides important protections for all parties involved under Illinois law.

Voluntary Acknowledgements of Paternity

Some men who are certain about the paternity of their child will go ahead and voluntarily establish paternity, which typically occurs at the hospital shortly after the child’s birth. Both parents can sign a Voluntary Establishment of Paternity form, which places the father’s name on the child’s birth certificate and legally establishes him as the father of the child. Keep in mind, however, that signing a voluntary establishment of paternity form waives a man’s right to genetic testing and gives him both rights and responsibilities. For instance, he will have parental rights in terms of access to the child. He also will have financial obligations in terms of supporting the child.

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What Expenses Does Child Support Cover in an Illinois Family Law Case?

 Posted on January 31, 2022 in Divorce

b2ap3_thumbnail_shutterstock_1828226513.jpgThere are a variety of situations where parents may need to address legal issues related to their children. These cases will often involve the end of a relationship between parents, including when a married couple chooses to divorce or when unmarried parents break up. To ensure that children will have the necessary financial resources, child support will usually be ordered in these cases. While one parent will generally be expected to pay child support to the other, parents will need to understand how the amount of payments will be determined and the types of expenses that child support will address.

Basic Child Support Obligations and Additional Expenses

While parents may expect that one party will pay child support, they may not fully understand how Illinois law determines child support obligations. In most cases, the “non-custodial” parent will be expected to pay support to the parent who will have primary custody of the couple’s children. However, when child support obligations are determined based on the guidelines in Illinois law, both parents’ incomes will be considered, and the amount of parenting time that each parent has with their children may also be a factor that will play a role in the calculation of child support.

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 What Do I Do If My Ex Will Not Sign Divorce Papers?

 Posted on January 13, 2022 in Divorce

 b2ap3_thumbnail_shutterstock_439098511.jpgPeople often want to know what to expect when they are thinking about filing for divorce. The truth of the matter is that this can be a hard question to answer because every divorce unfolds in its own unique way

Even so, there are certain aspects of a divorce that can go one of two ways. For instance, if you file for divorce and need to present the divorce papers to your spouse, the hope is that your partner accepts them in a respectful manner

However, in some cases, both spouses are not in agreement with the idea that a divorce is the best decision for their relationship. In those instances, one partner will file for divorce and give the divorce petition to their spouse, only for their spouse to refuse to sign the documents

Can I Still Get a Divorce If My Spouse Does Not Want One? 

If you find yourself in a situation where you are in favor of a divorce but your spouse disagrees with your perspective, you may be wondering if it is possible to get divorced regardless of this lack of agreement. You will be pleased to learn that you can still get a divorce if your spouse does not want one

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How Will My Spouse’s Drug or Alcohol Addiction Impact Our Divorce?

 Posted on December 28, 2021 in Divorce

IL divorce lawyerSubstance abuse can affect people of any age, gender, or income level. Addiction to drugs or alcohol can take over a person’s life and destroy relationships within a matter of months. If your marriage is ending and your spouse is an alcohol or drug addict, you may wonder if this will affect the divorce process. Illinois is a no-fault divorce state, so you will not report substance abuse as the grounds for the divorce. However, drug abuse can affect the financial and child-related aspects of divorce.

Drug Use and Child Custody in Illinois

Using legal drugs like cannabis or alcohol does not necessarily prevent someone from being a good parent. However, excessive use of drugs and alcohol – especially use of illicit substances like methamphetamine or heroin – can certainly affect someone’s parenting ability. If you believe that your spouse’s addiction may endanger your child, you may want to petition the court for all of the parental responsibilities and parenting time. Alternatively, you may want to request a parenting time restriction such as supervised parenting time.

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Commercial Truck Accidents in Illinois and How They Can Affect You

 Posted on December 14, 2021 in Personal Injury

IL injury lawyerAny accident involving a commercial truck can be life-changing for all parties involved. If you or a loved one were seriously hurt, pursuing a personal injury lawsuit may be in one’s best interest. Any time spent in the hospital or days missed at work are damages you should be compensated for. Additional types of damages in these cases can range widely, and determining who is liable can be difficult. This is why hiring an experienced truck accident attorney is essential.

Types of Damages an Injured Person May Receive

In truck accidents, the number of involved parties tends to increase, as do the complexities of a personal injury claim. Property damage, medical expenses, and loss of income due to time off of work are the most common forms of compensation being sought by crash victims. You may have the right to further compensation, such as:

  • Physical suffering – Any short or long-term physical effects caused by the accident, including any pain, permanent disabilities, disfigurements, or scars.

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